CaMML GUI Quick-Start Guide
BI-CaMML Version 1.4
CaMML is a program for learning causal Bayesian networks from data sets. CaMML, or Causal MML uses a ‘search-and-score’ approach to learning Bayesian networks (as opposed to using conditional independence testing), and uses the Minimum Message Length principle to trade off model complexity and fit-to-data.
CaMML also allows a user to specify structural prior information along side the data, in a variety of flexible formats. Such priors may be hard (i.e. deterministic) constraints or soft (i.e. probabilistic) constraints. These structural priors (“expert priors”) are discussed in Section 2.3.
The version of CaMML described in this document is BI-CaMML 1.4, which is a packaged version provided by Bayesian Intelligence. BI-CaMML can be downloaded from the Bayesian Intelligence site at: http://bayesian-_intelligence.com/software/.
Once downloaded, extract the zip file to somewhere on disk. On Windows, we recommend C:\BI-CaMML and /opt/bi-camml on Linux (and you may wish to add it to your system’s PATH). To start the GUI:
To start the command line version:
Command line usage of CaMML is discussed further in Section 3.
This section discusses how to use CaMML and the GUI. Information in this section is organized according to the tab to which it corresponds to in the GUI. For examples of how to use this GUI with sample models, see Section 8.
The Setup tab (Figure 1) allows you to load discrete data sets (see Section 4 for details). Once data has been loaded, it can be viewed (but not edited) using the built-in data viewer (Figure 2). You can also configure the parameters that will affect how CaMML learns Bayesian networks. Note that the default values (perhaps excluding parameterization type) are often suitable for most learning tasks. Each of the settings on the Setup tab is briefly discussed below.
This setting controls the type of conditional probability distributions (CPDs) that CaMML will use when learning Bayesian Networks (BNs). Each node X in a Bayesian network has a probability distribution P(X|Pa(X)), where Pa(X) is the set of parents for variable X; the parameterization type setting controls the type(s) (or family) of conditional probability distributions that CaMML will learn.
Options include Conditional Probability Tables (CPTs), Decision Trees (DTree) and Logit (Logit) models. CPTs are the most flexible, but have a larger number of parameters (than DTree and Logit models) that must be learned from the data.
When multiple options are selected (i.e. CPT + DTree), CaMML will select the parameterization type that results in the best simplicity/fit trade-off. Searches with multiple parameterization types will take longer than searches with a single parameterizaton type, but may result in more accurate networks being learned.
Setting of the RNG seeds is reserved for specialized circumstances such as regression testing. The vast majority of users will leave this as the default value.
Setting RNG seeds is only enabled when using set seed(s) for one of the random number generators. Again, this option is not applicable for most users.
CaMML uses a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling algorithm to search through the exponentially-large space of possible BN models. The Search Factor option is used to modify the number of model changes attempted by the learning algorithm. Increasing the search factor should increase the reliability of results (i.e., improving the accuracy of the posteriors for the models), by allowing CaMML more time to search through and sample the model space, at the expense of increased computation time. Decreasing the search factor reduces the reliability of the results and computation time.
Search Factor has a default value of 1.0. A search factor value of 2.0 means twice as many model changes are attempted; 0.5 means half as many model changes are attempted.
To obtain more reliable results, CaMML combines ‘equivalent’ models in a number of ways. TOMs (Totally Ordered Models) are combined to SECs (Structural Equivalence Classes), which are in turn combined to MMLECs (Minimum Message Length Equivalence Classes). SECs are combined to MMLECs where the available data is insufficient to differentiate the SECs. The Max. Number of SECs setting specifies how many SECs we should keep, and attempt to combine to MMLECs. A larger number may mean more reliable results, but will take longer to complete. The default setting of 30 is usually suitable, as the top 30 SECs usually contain the majority of the posterior probability.
This setting specifies the minimum posterior value we want to keep. A higher value means keeping more SECs, at the expense of longer computation time at the end of the search (when SECs are combined into MMLECs). Note that the maximum number of SECs (discussed previously) setting takes precedence over the Min Total Posterior value.
The default value (0.999) is typically suitable for most tasks.
By default, CaMML assigns a global prior probability of 0.5 to an arc existing between any two nodes. If CaMML seems to be generating too many or too few arcs, this parameter can be used to bias CaMML as needed. Of course, the higher the value of this prior, the greater the arc density of the network that CaMML creates. This prior is overridden by data, to a degree that depends on the strength of the data. Therefore in some cases, if the data is sufficiently strong, the prior will have no effect. Note that arc priors can also be set on an arc by arc basis — see Section 2.3.
CaMML has the ability to learn Bayesian Networks and Dynamic Bayesian Networks. When the check-box is checked, CaMML will assume the data file represents a time series, and will attempt to learn a Dynamic Bayesian Network. At this stage, DBN learning has a few restrictions, such as the inability to specify custom expert priors (including the global arc prior).
CaMML allows a user to (optionally) specify structural prior information, using a variety of flexible formats. Structure priors are used to represent various types of prior domain knowledge that an expert might have — information that is not contained in (or representable in terms of) the input data file. For example, a domain expert may have information about temporal relationships between observations, or information about causal dependence (or independence) between variables in the data. By incorporating structure priors, it is possible to improve the quality of the learned network.
Expert priors in CaMML are able to be specified probabilistically — that is, CaMML’s expert priors are ‘soft constraints’ (deterministic ‘hard’ constraints are also supported by specifying 0 or 1 for the prior probability). Essentially, it is possible to enter prior information with an specified degree of confidence; these soft expert prior constraints may be ‘overridden’ by the data if the data strongly suggests that the prior information is incorrect.
When using expert priors, refer to a variable by its name in the input data file. If the data file contains no names, use a number (in the order in which it appears in the data file) to refer to that variable. Note that the use of structure priors adds a small computational overhead, which can increase the amount of time taken for an instance of search to complete.
Currently, expert priors are not available when learning Dynamic Bayesian Networks (DBNs) and the Expert Priors tab is disabled if Learn Dynamic Bayesian Network was selected on the Setup tab.
The Expert Priors tab (Figure 3) allows users to describe various types of expert priors contained within a BN — some examples are provided within the GUI when expert priors are first enabled. Priors may be loaded, edited, saved or cleared. Clicking on the Use Expert Priors check-box enables the priors text window and fills it with blank default priors. The default text here contains comments that describe the format that the expert priors should take. The New button will replace any text entered into the priors text window with the default text comments. The Save button will save the text in the priors text window as a plain text file. The Load button will load expert priors from a file. Once the expert priors are finalised, clicking the Validate button will validate that the priors are formatted correctly. CaMML cannot be run on a model until the priors are valid.
The following sections (2.3.1, 2.3.2, 2.3.3 and 2.3.4) describe in more detail the expert priors that are supported by CaMML and how they are formatted within the text window.
Arc priors represent information that is known about the relationship between two variables in the data set. Prior information between any two pairs of variables can be specified in one or more of the following ways: Directed arc, Undirected arc, Ancestor relation, Correlation, Tier.
The general format for arc priors is variable [operator] variable [prob]; where variables are the names of a variables/columns in the input data set, [operator] specifies the type of relationship (i.e. a directed arc is ->), and [prob] is a probability such as 0.70 or 1.00.
Arcs priors are enclosed in the arcs{} section, as follows:
arcs {0 -> 1 0.9; 1 -- 2 0.4; 3 -> 4 1.0;}
Though each arc can be placed on a separate line for clarity/ease of reading.
Tier priors are (generally deterministic) constraints on the total ordering of some/all variables. Note that we could use arc priors (specifically, the precedence operator) instead of tiers for this purpose, but specifying all of the appropriate precedence relationships would be rather complex, compared to using a tier prior.
tier {1 2 3 < 4 5 6;}
Note that we can have multiple tier specifications in a single line:
tier {1 2 3 < 4 5 6 < 7 8 9;}
In this example, variables 1, 2 and 3 are before 4, 5 and 6 in the total ordering, and 4–6 are before 7–9. In the network, variables 1, 2 and 3 can be parents of variables 4, 5 and 6, but variables 4–6 cannot be parents of variables 1–3.
Tier priors are typically deterministic, but the prior probability can be set as follows:
set { tierPrior = 0.9; }
The default value for tierPrior is 1.0, and is used unless the tierPrior is explicitly set. This value of 1.0 means that all tier priors (if any) must be satisfied in all sampled networks.
We can specify prior information in terms of the edit distance from a specified network (or part network). For example, we could specify a diamond network as follows:
ed{a -> b; a -> c; b -> d; c -> d;}
Networks closer (in terms of edit distance) to this specified network will be scored higher than those further from the specified network. The strength in the prior belief can be set in the set{} section as follows:
set { edPrior = 0.99; }.
The default value for edPrior is approximately 0.73.
Kendall Tau priors are similar to Edit Distance priors (in that an expert provides a network), except that KT priors also take into account the ordering of variables. Networks where the total ordering of variables is close to the order of the specified network are scored higher than those that are further from the total ordering. KT priors take a specified network, and work out how many ‘swaps’ to the variable order we need to make on a given network consistent with the specified network. Each network is also penalized by the number of (undirected) arc differences there are between the specified and current network. Note that Kendall Tau and Edit Distance type priors cannot be used simultaneously.
KT priors are specified in the same manner as Edit Distance priors, except that kt{...} is used instead of ed{...}. Again, the strength of the prior belief can be set as per the edit distance prior:
set { ktPrior = 0.99; }.
The default value for ktPrior is approximately 0.73.
Suppose our data set contains the variables “A”, “B”, ..., “G” and we have the following prior information about the domain:
In this case, we might create a set of structure priors as follows:
Note that the // characters represent a comment; everything after these characters and is ignored, until the next line. Whitespace characters (i.e. tab, space etc) are also ignored. Also note that there can be a number of equivalent ways of specifying the same prior information.
The Run tab (Figure 4) is relatively self explanatory. There are two buttons:
Upon clicking the run button, users will be warned if the settings entered on the Setup tab (or expert priors on the Expert Prior tab) are invalid.
The console output window shows the progress of the search and any warning/error messages generated during the search process.
Once the search is complete, results are displayed in the Results tab (Figure 5), sorted by posterior.
The results are MMLECs (Minimum Message Length Equivalence Classes) - each row in the table represents a single MMLEC. The top row represents the MMLEC with the highest posterior probability — the ‘best’ model essentially. If you are only using a single model, this is the one to export and use — though attention should certainly be paid to the posterior field in the table, as there may be no uniquely best model. That is, there can be multiple models with similar posterior probabilities.
CaMML includes a very basic network viewer. It is possible to view the representative network of a MMLEC by selecting the appropriate row and then clicking View Selected Network. This network viewer includes basic drag and drop functionality (to move network nodes), although the layout set here will have no bearing on the layout of the exported network. Figure 6 shows an example of the network viewer.
Basic inference can also be run on the network. A variable can be set to a specific state by clicking on the appropriate row.
A ‘representative network’ of an MMLEC can be exported to Netica (.dne) format only (see Section 4.2.1 for format conversion). Select the MMLEC (row) to export, and then click the Export Selected Network button. As noted, the single ‘best’ network (i.e. the network with the highest posterior probability) is contained in the top row.
It is also possible to export all networks. Clicking the Export All will open a file dialogue box. The name entered in the file dialogue box will be appended with a number for each consecutive network. Thus, if ‘MyNetwork.dne’ is entered as the name, the highest posterior network will be called ‘MyNetwork0.dne’, the second highest posterior network will be ‘MyNetwork1.dne’ and so on. Note that none of the information from the Results table will be saved — this should be copied (for example) to a spreadsheet. To do this, select the rows in the table and use the copy keyboard shortcut (i.e. Control+C or Command+C) to copy the data.
CaMML also provides information regarding which arcs are present or absent. These ‘arc probabilities’ represent the probability that a directed arc between each of the variables in the dataset is present. Note that there is a single set of arc probabilities (i.e. they are calculated based on the entire search), and it does not matter which (if any) of the rows in the results table are selected.
To view the arc probabilities, click the Arc Probabilities button to open the viewer. The probability of an arc from A to B existing is presented in the cell at row A, column B. Figure 7 shows the arc probabilities for an example network.
These arc probabilities can be selected using the mouse, and copied using keyboard shortcuts (i.e. Control+C or Command+C), and then pasted into a spreadsheet as required.
The status bar is found at the bottom of the window and is visible from all tabs. It displays whether a data file has been loaded, the state of the expert priors (if any) and the current software version. The data file and expert priors messages will be updated as their status changes during the learning of Bayesian networks. When a data file has been loaded, if the file is valid then the Data status message changes to Loaded, OK. If the data file is invalid and cannot be loaded, the status message is Not Loaded.
When the expert priors are set on the Expert Priors tab, then the status message is Set, Not Validated. Once the priors are validated, then the status message changes to Set, Validated.
The command line version of CaMML is controlled by a number of command line arguments, which are discussed below. The basic form for running CaMML from the command line is camml [options] <data-file> [<output-file>], where [options] is a list of the desired options (if any), <data-file> is the data file CaMML should open and [<output-file>] is the optional output file for the results.
This version of CaMML is able to learn causal Bayesian networks from data sets with discrete variables only, without any missing/unobserved values. An additional version of CaMML (“Linear CaMML”) which learns from continuous data sets (linear gaussian models) is available here: http://bayesian-_intelligence.com/software/.
CaMML currently supports four data formats. The main two formats are Weka’s Attribute-Relation File Format (.arff) and comma separated values (.csv); .data and .cas (’Old CaMML’ data format) are also supported.
Weka is a program for machine learning and data mining, and is available here (http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka/). Converting data to .arff format can be done via Weka (discussion of which is beyond the scope of this document); it can also be done manually in some cases (the .arff format is human-readable and is quite simple). The .arff format is discussed here (http://weka.wikispaces.com/ARFF) and here (http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka/arff.html).
Data in CSV (comma-separated values) format can also be used. The first row of the data contains the variable names, and subsequent rows contain the actual data. Variable names must conform to the following format: first letter is alphabetic, and remaining letters are alpha-numeric or an underscore.
Unlike the other formats supported by CaMML, data in CSV format does not contain metadata about the variables. Thus, CaMML will scan the data and attempt to determine the type (i.e. continuous or discrete) and the states for each variable (i.e. the set of values that each variable may take). This allows data to be quickly and easily imported from spreadsheet software (such as Excel), with the down-side that any unobserved variable states will be ignored.
Examples of each data format can be found in the \example-data\ directory within the main CaMML directory.
CaMML exports Bayesian networks to the plain text (i.e. human-readable) Netica (.dne) file format. Netica is a commercial Bayesian network package (http://www.norsys.com/netica.html), though a free version (limited in network size) is available. The free version is adequate for opening (and running inference on) the networks learned in CaMML, but will be unable to save changes to networks with more than a small number of variables. Netica may require you to compile the network (Network− >Compile) before you can run inference on it.
Note that Bayesian networks exported from CaMML are saved without any layout information.
Netica itself won’t be much help with regard to getting the Bayesian networks learned with CaMML into other formats. However, one of the following packages may be of use:
A list of software packages for Bayesian network (and other graphical models) is maintained by Kevin Murphy here: http://people.cs.ubc.ca/\~murphyk/Software/bnsoft.html. You may find a package that can convert Netica’s .dne format to the format you require.
This section very briefly discusses some ways to improve the quality learned networks (essentially, so we are more likely to find/learn the true/best network in the model space). Some short tips on making CaMML complete searches faster are also discussed.
The quality of the resulting model(s) depends on a number of factors.
CaMML can take a significant amount of time to run on large datasets. Specifically, the number of model changes attempted by CaMML (and hence, the search time) is cubic in the number of variables (though the actual number of possible models is exponential in the number of variables).
If the computation time is proving infeasible for a data set, the following aspects may help:
Clearly, each of these options have trade-offs (in terms of model quality) that need to be considered.
A description of the technical details underlying CaMML are beyond the scope of this document; however, readers may want to refer to the following references in order to understand what CaMML is doing ‘under the hood’:
Readers interested in understanding more about the Minimum Message Length principle are directed to the following:
No action is required, and the search will continue as normal.
In the former case, the variables in the data set may be (approximately) conditionally independent of all other variables, and hence the complexity/fit trade-off is far towards the end of low complexity. Alternatively (and perhaps less likely), if there is one (or a small number of) very good model(s) (compared to all other models) the search may not devote much time to visiting other (poorer) models.
In the latter case, one possible reason for this is the size of the data set. If the data set is small (and the number of states of each variable is large), then CaMML may not have enough data to learn the parameters for anything but relatively simple models.
Typically this is due to the amount of (heap) memory allocated to the Java virtual machine when CaMML is started, rather than a limit on the amount of physical memory available in the computer.
To assign 1GB of memory, change this argument to ‘-Xmx1024m’ or ‘-Xmx1g’; for 2GB of memory use ‘-Xmx2g’ and so on.
This section will demonstrate how to use CaMML on the the examples found in the /example-data/ directory of the CaMML installation.
This example contains case data for the “Asia Problem”, described by Lauritzen and Spiegelhalter. The data consists of 1000 values for the variables of the model, which can be used to learn the underlying Bayesian Network. For further information describing the initial problem see S.L. Lauritzen and D. J. Spiegelhalter Local Computations with Probabilities on Graphical Structures and Their Application to Expert Systems (Paper available here: http://intersci.ss.uci.edu/wiki/pdf/Lauritzen1988.pdf).
The example consists of three files:
Both the .csv and .cas files contain the same data, but in slightly different formats.
To load the Asia Cases data, select the Setup tab and click the Load button on the top right hand side. Use the file window to navigate to the /example-data/ directory within your CaMML installation directory. Select either AsiaCases.1000.cas or AsiaCases.1000.csv and select open.
To view the data within the file, click the View button on the right-hand side of the Setup tab, next to the Load button. This will open the Data Viewer window, displaying the data within the file, as in Figure 8. If you wish, you may open the other data file and view its contents to verify that both files contain the same data. Note that if you do so, the data displayed in the View window may be prepended with v_ in cases where the original format of the data is numerical. This will not affect the results of the calculation.
The top row of the viewer lists the names of the variables across the top of each column, with their corresponding data entries listed below. The eight variables are VisitAsia, TB, Smoking, Cancer, TBorCancer, XRay, Bronchitis, and Dysphenia. Under each variable name is a column of data, which for this model contains binary values. The order of the columns in the viewer can be altered by clicking on a variable name and dragging that column to a new location. However, note that such changes will not be saved upon closing the view window. You may also copy the data from the viewer window by highlighting the relevant data fields and pressing the keyboard shortcut for Copy (typically Control+C or Command+C). You may then paste this data into external applications.
For this model the default settings on the Setup tab are acceptable, so no further changes are necessary.
Now change to the Expert Priors tab. To load the priors for this model, check the Use Expert Priors checkbox. Doing so will enable the various interface elements on this tab. The editor window has filled with a default priors file, containing the necessary structures and comments. To load the priors for this model click the Load button and select the AsiaCases.1000.priors file. If this file is not visible in the file window, you may need to change to the /example-data/ directory within your CaMML installation directory and change the Files of type option from ‘Text Files’ to ‘All Files’. Once the priors are loaded the contents of the window will change from the default comments to those in the file. To validate the loaded priors, click the Validate button. Now note the description at the bottom of the window — ‘Expert Priors: Set, Validated’, indicating that they are set correctly. Once the priors are validated the data is ready to be analysed.
The Run tab allows you to run CaMML on your model. Check the console here; if you clicked Validate on the Expert Priors tab, then there will be a corresponding line of output here listing the labels of the eight model variables. If you did not validate the priors previously, CaMML will do it for you once it starts. To run CaMML on the model, simply click Run CaMML.
As CaMML searches the included data output will be displayed in the Console Output text window. Once CaMML has finished the console output will display a ‘Search finished’ message and a summary of the search, as in Figure 9. The results can be viewed on the Results tab.
Changing to the Results tab to view the results shows the networks that CaMML has learned from this data. Clicking the Arc Probabilities button opens a table of the computed arc probabilities in a separate window. Clicking the View Selected button displays a visual representation of the model in a separate window. The nodes in this view may be moved by clicking and dragging, although any changes will not be saved. To load one of the networks in another program, click the Export Selected button to export only the selected model or click Export All to export all the models. The network will be exported into a Netica Bayesian Network file (.dne). Tools for opening this network are briefly discussed in Section 4.2.1.
The letter recognition example (contained within letter.symbolic.arff) contains data that describes a set of 20,000 letters, which was generated by randomly distorting pixel images of uppercase letters in 20 different fonts. The letters are summarised by 16 attributes that each partially describe the the letter contained in the image. For further information about this model and its source data, see the comments within the file itself, or see P. W. Frey and D. J. Slate Letter Recognition Using Holland-style Adaptive Classifiers (Machine Learning Vol 6 #2 March 91) (Paper available here: http://cns-_classes.bu.edu/cn550/Readings/frey-_slate-_91.pdf).
The data within this model can be searched to produce a network that details which of the 16 attributes occur within each of the 26 letters. Such a network could be used to classify new letter inputs into their correct category, although it is included here merely as an example for CaMML.
To start, open this model from the Setup tab. Viewing this model with the View button shows that it has 17 variables that describe the various properties of a letter and the actual letter represented. The default parameterization type is ‘MML: CPT’, which is suitable for this model. The default values will be suitable for this model and can remain unchanged. Since the data is not a time series, the Learn Dynamic Bayesian Network checkbox should remain unchecked. Since this model does not have any expert priors to provide, the Expert Prior’s tab remains unchanged.
The Run tab allows you to run CaMML on this model by clicking Run CaMML. The output produced by CaMML will appear in the console window. In this example note the repeated warnings raised, which can be ignored in this instance (see Section 7.1 for more details). With MML: CPT as the parameterization type this model will be quickly searched. Scrolling down in the console window displays a completion message and a summary of the search process.
The Results tab shows that one model has been learned. Clicking the View Selected button displays a visual representation of the model in a separate window. Arc probabilities can be viewed by clicking the Arc Probabilities button. To see a visual representation of the Bayesian Network created from the data, click the View Selected button. If desired, this network can be exported by clicking on the Export Selected button, while the model is selected, or Export All button. The network will be exported into a Netica Bayesian Network file (.dne). Tools for opening this network are briefly discussed in Section 4.2.1.