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Ann Nicholson - Supervision - Bayesian Intelligence

Ann Nicholson - Supervision

Theses supervised by Ann Nicholson 1994 - 2005

Postgraduate Research

[Retrieve] N. Jitnah, Ph.D. 2000. Using Mutual Information for Approximate Evaluation of {B}ayesian Networks.

J. Abrantes, Ph.D. 2002. Knowledge-based assembly sequence planning. (joint supervision with Chris White)

[Retrieve] Matthew Mitchell, Ph.D. 2003. An Architecture for Situated Learning Agents (joint supervision with David Albrecht).

[Retrieve] T. Boneh, M.Sc. 2003. Support for Graphical Modelling in Bayesian Network Knowledge Engineering: a Visual tool for domain experts. (U. of Melbourne, joint supervision with Liz Sonenberg).

  • Jiri Baum, Dynamic non-uniform abstractions for planning in complex stochastic domains. (1998-present)
  • Tim Wilkin Ph.D. (joint with G. Holland, then Trevor Dix) Adaptive planning for an unmanned meteorological model plane. (1997-present)
  • Steven Mascaro Ph.D. (joint supervision with K. Korb). Evolutionary ethics. (2000-present)
  • Tal Boneh, Ph.D. (joint supervision with K. Korb). Bayesian Network Knowledge Engineering for Meteorological Forecasting Decision Support. (2003-present)
  • Owen Woodberry, Ph.D. (joint with K. Korb). Evolutionary ethics. (2004-present)

Honours Theses

James Lawson, 2007, `` "Evolution of Utility"

Brendon Taylor, 2007, `` Opponent Modelling in Bayesian Poker

Chung Tue "DuCK" Nguyen, 2006, `` A study of the Evolution of Discrimination using Artificial Life Simulations

Shannon Watson, 2003, Using Bayesian Networks for Water Quality Prediction in Sydney Harbour'' , (Collaboration with NSW EPA) (joint supervision with C. Twardy)

Owen Woodberry, 2003, ``Knowledge Engineering a Bayesian Network for an Ecological Risk Assessment (KEBN-ERA)'', (Collaboration with Monash University Water Studies Centre) (joint supervision with K. Korb).

Darren Boulton, 2002-03, ``Bayesian Poker Opponent Modelling'' (joint supervision with K. Korb).

Michelle Hughes, 2002-03, ``An MUD Platform for Plan Recognition'' (joint supervision with K. Korb).

Rodney O'Donnell, 2001, ``Adaptation in Bayesian Networks'' (joint supervision with K. Korb).

Russell Kennett, 2000. ``Sea Breeze Prediction using Bayesian Networks'' (joint supervision with K. Korb, funded by the Bureau of Meteorology).

Jason Carlton, 2000. ``Bayesian Poker'' (joint supervision with K. Korb).

Daniel Willis, 2000. ``Ambulation Monitoring and Fall Detection System using Dynamic Belief Networks'' (joint supervision with I. Brown).

Lucas Hope, 2000. ``Evolving emotions in an artificial life environment>''. (joint supervision with Kevin Korb).

Krystyna Doktor, 1999 ``Modelling emotional effects on dialogue in a collaborative domain''. (joint supervision with I. Zukerman)

Leigh Fitzgibbon, 1999. ``A Parallelised Genetic Algorithm for the Identification of Aircraft Structures'', (joint supervision with D. Abramson)

Steven Mascaro, 1999. ``Evolutionary Ethics''. (joint supervision with K. Korb).

Patrick Hemmerich, 1998. ``Meta-control strategies for the Travelling Salesman Problem'' (joint supervision with D. Bairaktaris, Dynamic Transport Management).

Rowena Cheng, ``Dialogue Generation for emotional agents'' (joint supervision with I. Zukerman).

Ryan McGowan, 1997. ``Fall Diagnosis: a combined software and hardware implementation'' (joint supervision with Dr. Ian Brown in EE).

Amy Holden, 1997. ``Inference Algorithms for Dynamic Belief Networks''.

Konrad Sosnowski, 1997. Industry Project. ``LISP interpreter in Java'' (joint supervision with Dr. Lloyd Allison).

Bjoern Koos, 1997. ``Graphical Interfaces for a Stochastic Planning System''.

Craig Oliver, 1997. ``Dialogue Generation for Intelligent Agents'' (joint supervision with Ingrid Zukerman).

Chok Hiew, 1996. ``Cricket Scheduling''.

Wiktor Chwieros, 1996. ``Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques to the solution of Flutter Equations''.

Anibar Ban, 1996. ``Intelligent Agents for an interactive multi-media game''. %H2A.

Ariel Bud, 1995. ``Training Scheduling with Genetic Algorithms''.

Aidan Doyle, with Dr. Lloyd Allison, ``WWW Interface for Bayesian Poker''.

Jason Saynor, 1995.``Planning under uncertainty: enriching the planner's goals''.

Grace Ngai, 1994 (Brown University). ``Mobile Robot Navigation form sonar sensor data using occupancy grids''. Summer vacation project and undergraduate thesis.